


  1. 息子は今、何をしている?
  2. 父と息子の間の約束事は?
  3. すぐに掃除を始めないと、父親はどうすると言っている?


clean up ~を掃除する

once a week 1週間に一度

It’s been ~ since … ・・・してから~たつ

video game テレビゲーム

on the telephone 電話で

spend time -ing ~して時間を過ごす、~に時間を費やす

grades 成績、評価

terrible ひどい

That’s too bad. それは残念です。

do our best 最善を尽くす

That’s the way it is. そういう風になっている。、そういうものだ。

for the rest of ~ ~の残りの間ずっと

All right 分かった

mean 意地の悪い


Father: Billy, how many times have I asked you to clean up your room?

Son: I’ll do it tomorrow.

F: No, you’ll do it now.

S: But (1)I’m watching my favorite show now.

F: Billy, (2)we agreed that you would clean your room once a week. It’s been two weeks since you cleaned it.

S: I’ve been busy.

F: I know. You’ve been busy with television and video games and talking on the telephone.

S: I don’t spend that much time doing those things. I have homework, too.

F: You hardly spend any time on homework. Your grades at school are terrible!

S: I don’t like shcool.

F: That’s too bad. I have to work. You have to go to school. We both have to try to do our best. That’s the way it is. Now go clean your room.

S: I’ll do it after this program.

F: You’ll do it now or (3)you won’t be allowed to watch television for the rest of this week!

S: All right, all right! Sometimes you’re so mean!

F: Well, when you’re a parent you can be mean, too. Now you’re a child, so go clean your room.