


  1. 女性は何年ぶりにピッツバーグを訪れた?
  2. ピッツバーグに最近できたと説明されているものは?(4つ)
  3. 女性はどこで仕事をしている?


haven’t been to ~ for … …ぶりに~に来た

Pittsburgh ピッツバーグ(ペンシルバニア州の都市)

What’s new in ~? で新しいのは何ですか?

cinema 映画館、映画

European ヨーロッパの

Anything else? ほかには?

special kinds of ~ 独特の~

exciting わくわくさせる、面白い

horse ride 乗馬

modern art 現代美術

downtown 町の中心部で、商業地区で

Picasso ピカソ(1881~1973。スペイン生まれの画家、彫刻家)

sign 標識、看板

on the front of ~ ~の正面に

miss ~を見落とす


Woman: (1)I haven’t been to Pittsburgh for five years. What’s new in town?

Man: (2)There’s a new cinema that only shows European movies.

W: That’s interesting. I love European cinema. Anything else?

M: (3)There’s a new supermarket that sells special kinds of food from Asia.

W: Well, now (3)I work in Tokyo so that’s not so exciting. Are there any new parks or museums?

M: Yes, actually. (2)There’s a park that has horse rides for kids. It’s very popular.

W: I don’t have any kids.

M: I see. (2)A new modern art museum opened downtown last month. It has many paintings and a special collection of Picasso’s.

W: Oh, that sounds good. I’d like to see it.

M: It’s open every day from 10 o’clock to 6 o’clock. You can walk there from here.

W: Which way is it?

M: Go out the front door and turn left. Go straight for four blocks and turn right. There’s a sign on the front of the building. You can’t miss it.

W: Thanks!