


  1. ナイアガラの滝はいつ、どのようにしてできた?
  2. ナイアガラの滝を観光できる交通手段として紹介されているものは?(4つ)
  3. ナイアガラ川の水は、何に利用されている?


Niagara Falls: ナイアガラの滝 (アメリカとカナダの国境に位置する、カ ナダ [ホースシュー] 滝、アメリカ滝、 ブライダルベール滝の3つの滝の総称。 主にブライダルベール滝を除く2つの滝を指す)

Niagara River: ナイアガラ川 (五大湖のエリー湖からオンタリオ湖へ流れる河川。 全長 56 キロメートル)

Lake Erie: エリー湖 (五大湖の1つ)

the Great Lakes: 五大湖 (アメリカ とカナダの国境線をなす5つの湖の総称)

twin cities: 2 つの市、 双子都市 (ア メリカ側とカナダ側で同じ名前を持つ町があることから)

Ontario: オンタリオ州

Canada: カナダ

New York: ニューヨーク州

the United States: アメリカ合衆国

Lake Ontario : オンタリオ湖 (五大湖の1つ)

be created: 創造される

ice : 氷河

ice age: 氷河期

especially: 特に、際立って

large amount of ~: 大量の〜

Over the years: 長年にわたり

go over ~ ~の向こう側に行く、~を渡る

most of ~: ~の多く

lit: light (〜を照らす) の過去分詞

on foot: 歩いて、徒歩で

tour boat: 遊覧船

explain: ~ を説明する

electric power: 電力

keep a balance: バランスを保つ

protect: ~ を保護する


Niagara Falls is a place where the wide Niagara River drops down a long distance. The river flows from Lake Erie of the Great Lakes, between the twin cities of Niagara Falls, in Ontario, Canada, and Niagara Falls, New York in the United States, and ends at Lake Ontario. (1)The falls were created more than 10,000 years ago when ice moved during the last ice age. They are only about 52 meters high so they are not especially high, but they are very wide and a very large amount of water flows over them. The water in the river is a beautiful, bright green color.

Tourists have been visiting the falls since the 18th century. Over the years, many people have tried to go over the falls. Most of them were hurt and some were even killed. Other people have crossed the falls by walking on ropes. Why do people do these things? Maybe it’s exciting for them. Or maybe they’re just crazy.

There are lights behind the falling water on the Canadian side which are lit until midnight every day. About 20 million people visit the falls every year. (2)Visitors can see them on foot, from tour boats and by helicopter. On the Canadian side, there is a cable car ride over the falls. There are several museums that explain the history of the area.

The number of tourists visiting Niagara Falls is growing every year, so the number of hotels and restaurants is also growing. Also, (3)both the Canadian and U.S. sides use water from the Niagara River to make electric power. It is very important to keep a balance between industry and tourist uses to protect the area’s natural beauty.